Elliott Wave Theory stock market technical analysis. Major U.S. Indexes.
Specializing in QQQ and the DIA analysis and trading. QQQ and DIA Options trading.
Monday''s reports are published. We are looking for trade position entries for Monday Morning. .... GOOG, QQQQ, and possibly DIA. and BAC trading opportunities Monday.
I put the trades ShepWave closed out over the past few weeks below. I just copy and pasted them in. Keep in mind that in our updates we identify many trading o...
Are your investments on the wrong side of the Market? There is time to adjust to profit in possibly one of the best trading opportunities of a life time. Targets in today's Update.
I have published the first part of the regular scheduled updat...
Ok, So I was watching CNBC a bit today. Most of you know it is my favorite 'comedy' channel. To see the 'pundits' scrambling for excuses is very amusing. Just recently in May when CNBC was pumping the rally ShepWave warned of an 'imminent downturn.' (exact words...
I was in a restaurant around 4:00-4:30 Thursday and saw the headline on CNBC.. 'How to trade the uncertainty of the War'.. the volume was down.. but I could see Rob Pisani.. standing there.. with that look on his face.... yes, that's the one.
ShepWave has just closed out 1/2 of our core position in the QQQQ... Profit of $2.75. This is the fourth time over the past couple of months we have done this. take profits on 1/2 the position and wait to reenter the 1/2 position.. always staying positioned for t...
Great news! FreeWeek (FW) of US Stock forecasts at elliottwave.com is live until Wednesday, July 19, at 5 p.m. EST! That means that they're giving you access to EWI's Specialty Services US Stocks Forecasts and Financial Forecast Service.
If you haven't already signed up for the FREE TRIAL at Elliott Wave International you may want to do so today. The free trial begins today, Wednesday July 12 and ends next Wednesday, July 19.
I have published the regular scheduled update for Thursday morning early. I show some short term alternate Elliott counts for recent action. Yesterday's Free Trial went well. I hope it helped some of those who do not plan on subscribing to ShepWave.com I will try t...
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