Elliott Wave Theory stock market technical analysis. Major U.S. Indexes.
Specializing in QQQ and the DIA analysis and trading. QQQ and DIA Options trading.
Trading has been very predictable lately. But, be cautious. Is it time to add to SHORT SIDE Positions? It could be. Pay close attention to the confirmation trigger areas.
The last five weeks have given some clear short term bearish signals, profits should be rolling in. Wednesday's reversal was a bit of a surprise to even me. The potential short term rally is not a definite...so be careful.
As mentioned in recent updates the Crude Oil charts a...
Today's action has seen the short term upside target recently given hit. But, there is a 'preferred' possibility that this short term rally continues. Read the notes in today's Intra Day Update closely. Use Stops. The markets have been giving some easy short term profits lately, we wi...
Short term traders have had some easy triggers and targets for the past few weeks. The coming trading sessions could be getting a bit trickier. Pay close attention to trade triggers, targets and certain parameters ShepWave is seeing in the Indexes.
Pay close attention to the notes in Tuesday's Pre-Market ShepWave Update. There may be another short term BUY side trade if the markets gap down. Remember Friday? But be careful, don't forget the potential leading indicator signals Crude Oil is giving.
Futures are down a bit as of 9:45 AM ET. Pay close attention to the short term trigger confirmation areas as shown in Recent Pre-Market and the Regular Scheduled Updates. Bottom Line: The technicals are supporting a key top in the markets has been hit.
The Indexes are down 10% in the last few weeks. Recent ShepWave Updates have examined the potential that a key wave 2 top has been hit. Short term profits have been nice, we have seen some clear triggers.
Friday's Pre-Market / Intra Day ShepWave Update shows some potential BUY SIGNAL TRI...
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