1. ShepWave Pre-market / Intra Day Update for Friday. Short term whip-saw action to continue? 2/22/2018 11:58:11 PM Be sure to read the new notes (in red) in the 60 minute and 15 min SPY (SPX) charts in Friday's Update. That will give you a good gauge of what we are anticipating for the short to mid term trend. |
2. ShepWave IMPORTANT Updates for Thursday. TARGETS HIT? OUTSIDE--DOWN DAYS for $INDU AND $SPX ON WEDNESDAY! 2/21/2018 11:54:33 PM 1:20 PM ET USA. Third Intra Day Update for Thursday Published: There are some new notes published. Also--note that a lot of short term aggressive trading will depend upon the individual trader's ability to (1) stay and monitor trade an... |
3. ShepWave Pre-Market / Intra Day Update for Wednesday Published. 2/21/2018 12:00:58 AM Lately, the short term aggressive triggers have been developing into short--to--mid term triggers. The markets remain predictable and profitable for traders paying attention. Please note--that if this recent rally is merely a short term upward correction of the bearish move we saw... |
4. ShepWave Pre-Market / Intra Day Update for Tuesday Published. 2/20/2018 12:17:02 AM Is stock market volatility going to stick around for a while? The recent ShepWave triggers caught the downward thrust; and then on February 9th, we began seeing short term aggressive BUY SIGNALS--that proved out to be another sizable short t... |
5. ShepWave TWO Important Updates for Monday. MARKETS REMAIN PREDICTALBE--and GOLD! 2/17/2018 12:37:38 AM The Second ShepWave Update for Monday has been published. The Regular Update, showing daily time frame analysis and triggers for the major U.S. equity indexes; Crude Oil: GOLD; and the VIX. For those of you following along with ShepWav... |
6. ShepWave IMPORTANT Pre-market / Intra Day Update for Friday Published. Markets Remain Highly Predictable! 2/15/2018 11:30:26 PM IMPORTANT INTRA DAY UPDATE FOR FRIDAY PUBLISHED: Since the short term aggressive buy signals of last Friday (and subsequent signals) the major U.S. equity indexes have yet to see a short term sell signal.
7. ShepWave IMPORTANT Updates for Thursday. TRIGGERS and TARGETS WORKING FLAWLESSLY ON MANY TIME FRAMES! 2/14/2018 10:00:49 PM IMPORTANT INTRA DAY UPDATE FOR THURSDAY. BOUNCE TARGETS GETTING HIT! NOW WHAT? Remember last Friday, as many of you were emailing me panicked about the market sell off? The clear sell signals ShepWave gave leading into&... |
8. ShepWave Pre-Market / Intra Day Update for Wednesday. NEW Short Term Wedge Pattern! 2/13/2018 10:54:21 PM IMPORTANT INTRA-DAY UPDATE FOR WEDNESDAY: GAP DOWN OPEN FILLED! This morning's gap down open was a single break of the short term (sell) trigger mark--not a double break (as was delineated in the premarket update last night).--so NOT a sh... |
9. ShepWave Pre-Market / Intra Day Update for Tuesday Published. Internal Wave Action of the next few days is vital! 2/12/2018 11:25:01 PM The Pre-Market / Intra Day Update for Tuesday has been published. The TIME CYCLE TURN DATE of a couple of weeks ago could not have worked out any more flawlessly. Also remember the late January report for the VIX--indicating an... |
10. ShepWave ALL THREE UPDATES FOR MONDAY PUBLISHED. IMPORTANT WEEK AHEAD! 2/9/2018 11:56:29 PM IMPORTANT INTRA DAY UPDATES FOR MONDAY PUBLISHED: Short Term Aggressive traders--remember you will want to keep in mind the larger time-frame analysis. The key targets given ... |
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