Elliott Wave Theory stock market technical analysis. Major U.S. Indexes.
Specializing in QQQ and the DIA analysis and trading. QQQ and DIA Options trading.

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What a ride it was this week and especially today!

I want to thank you for teaching me how to be an objective and disciplined trader and investor. I went long earlier in the week and made money (which I normally would be totally bearish) and held on to my SDS trade (filled at 24.84 on 10/06/11) and rode it all the way up then back down with confidence based on the sell signal u gave for the 15 min. QQQ. Hopefully we can get out of next week, let me know the time frame there if u will.
Thanks for that level of confidence and for your timely intra-day updates that I find very, very useful, valuable and informative based on what you charge for subscription to your excellent service.

To yours & mine prosperity,

Hello Shep,
I am a recent subscriber, and I must say that after subscribing to several other services, yours is the most timely, clear and useful. I appreciate the multi daily updates, and clear chart analysis as well as the breakdown of what time period each point you make relates to. (i.e. this is a short to mid term trend, etc.) Also, it is good to compare your actual positions with those I may take. That is a great bonus.

Thanks for the excellent work. I wish I had found you years ago!


I am sure you get a lot of compliments for your efforts and no one expects you to be perfect but you were so on everything that happened to the markets this week. August 17, 18, and 19, 2011 since my subscription began with your service this week has been one of the best rides of my entire trading history and you are sincerely appreciated for it!  I did things with your guidance this week that I simply would not have had the courage, knowledge, or tenacity to do before.  In fact, things were going so great my wife told me she would cover my part time work position today, so that I could make adjustments if necessary to my short ETF positions.  I used a combination of double and triple inverse ETFs with your signals to produce $6,266.00 after commissions in these three days.  This was done using less than 1/3 of my trading account assets while maintaining a cash position of more than 2/3 of the account.  All I can say is WOW, and a sincere thanks for helping me begin to do what I have been dreaming about which is to take more from the markets than I give the markets.

Also, it is not just about money...your updates are timely, far more than I would have expected and detailed for those who will study it and I am already learning new things from you.  I am glad you take some breaks and get up to at least go to the bathroom before you are re-glued to your computer screens.  Have a relaxed weekend, we will be toasting you again at our house!



Received this comment in an email on 8/9/2011

As a new subscriber, I thank you for your wonderful, helpful analysis. I greatly value your no nonsense approach with a focus strictly on the numbers. In today's environment so many seem distracted by the issues.
Take care,

Copy of email added 8/2/2011


I am a new subscriber. I just wanted to let you know that your advice on how to trade gap opens is great. Using your advice, I sold short one ESU11 at about 6am CDT this morning, knowing it would be a Gap open. I sold at 1306 and exited at 1285 for a $1,050 profit. Glad to be on board with you!


This email was received on July 25, 2011 at 12:44 AM ET.

Dear Shep

I just read your Monday daily time frame update for the indices, written yesterday. Just wanted to say, as an inexperienced and hungrily learning private swing trader, that it was the clearest and easiest to read yet, so I just wanted to write to show my appreciation. The chart labelling matched up well with the commentaries, sell signals, double breaks etc. Thank you. In fact, I find your level of insight, and what you're prepared to communicate, truly refreshing - you stand out like a lighthouse amongst a sea of detritus.

I am English, currently living in Costa Rica. My only account to date has been with IG Index in London, spread trading, which makes it rather difficult to match up with your indices, trades and options. Am awaiting approval for a US trading account with Tradestation which should be Monday or Tuesday this week. Then I can really get going. Don't know why I'm sharing that with you but you're the only mentoring I'm getting at the moment, out here in the jungle!

Looking forward to it.


This email was received on May 28,2011.


You are the real deal, I think you could charge $100/mo...

This email was sent on Monday, May 23, 2011
Hey Shep!
Just wanted to let you know I decided to hold over 40 contracts of my Q's puts from Friday. My profit went from $440 to $3490 at todays open. I secured my profits and closed the trade around 9:35am this morning at $3240.
Please keep the Intra Day analysis coming....
Thanks again,

I thoroughly enjoy these intra day updates for learning and understanding yours, along with Elliott's complex methods. I have learned more this way, with your live updates, than reading it from data that is not real-time and all at a unbelievable subscription price.
An amazing value, education, & money making advice you give to all us.. Keep up the great work!!

[Email sent on May 5, 2011 while ShepWave was instituting live intra day Trading Training Seminars. Something ShepWave will continue to do]

Hi, Shep,
new subscriber - this is awesome service !
Daily and long-term and intraday with you trading as an example.
You have helped me be profitable 5 of 7 trades for 60% increase in account in 3 weeks. I trade only QQQQ options short-term.

Shep, thank you.  I'm still reading and sort of paper trading the options. That is a new ballgame for me.  I want to thank you for helping me and boosting my confidence so much with your trading comments. I'm seeing things a little clearer and I'm much more comfortable with putting on my trades.  You are the best I have ever seen. Plus, I can feel your a stand-up guy too.  Let's get ready for the FOMC!!     Thanks,  Mark

Thanks for the reminder Shep, I won't be renewing until the fall, taking some time off.
Great service you have, it's been real usefull for me. You run a first class business.



WOW, I was just so busy the past two days.  What a wonderful feeling to know with confidence which way the market is headed and what is will do at certain inflection points.  It was just “short at will” and I just traded TYC and CAL over and over again shorting on every little pop and moving with the markets.  I dread the reconciliation on my records next month!  But I am getting paid well to do it.  Thanks for your accuracy, please continue to do well!!!!  JOHN


Hi Shep,

Thnx, again & again for the great trades.

One important lesson that I've learnt - To trust myself and to trust Shepwave!


Best Regards


The below comment came via email on June 8.. Too funny,, I had to post it.  We agreed to put in the word "pundits" in instead of the word in the initial email.... however appropriate the word was.. We try to be nice.

CNBC needs to remove and replace all the pundits.  Pissani just said yesterday that we should just have a big down day and get it over with……He has no idea what is going on….I guess they had no advantage to telling everyone major support was at 1245!  I guess the question is, how long will it take everyone to SELL OUT now that we are below and are we only going to 1220 or LOWER….seems everyone gets out until WE KNOW….thanks for your road map to profits!

 I’ve really enjoy your coaching, it makes the play calling on this super bowl trading site awesome! 

Subject: Thnx for yr 'gift' of succesful trades


Hi Shep,


Hope u have a great weekend!


I'm really happy to have found yr site and subscribing

to it.


Thnx for making it very affordable and very profitable

for people like me wt a very small account. After

losing much and wt such a meagre sum, I braved myself

thru a journey towards my dream of financial freedom.


Shep, I'd like to give some $ to u when my account

reach certain amount. Pls let me know how/where can I

deposit it. Or should I just subscribe again and again

to Shepwave wt different names?



Yours sincerely



       Just wanted to tell you that I think that your service has made tremendous improvements and that I am very happy with the service -  plan on keeping my subscription for a long, long time. I did really great on that BRCM trade - thanks. I got a stock that I have been watching as a possible candidate to short. I would be interested to know what you think about it. The stock is Caremark (CMX). Also looking at UNP and BNI - could be starting a little upward correction right now but may be good shorts in a couple of days.
       Anyway thanks for the BAC info.



I like what you have to say this morning, especially
about the technicians on CNBC. Thinking back to the
book that Pretcher wrote (I think it was called
"Avoiding the crash"), he clearly stated that the DOW
may make one more run at a new all time high, but that
the rally would not last! Could we be on the brink of
what he stated? The Dow certainly did make a run for a
new all time high, but as of now, just failed!

In addition, could it also be true what he said, that
inflation (the aspect of the economy that most people
are currently most afraid of) will not be the reason
for this decline, but rather deflation! This potential
reality will take time to filter through to the
masses, so plenty of bounces on the way down!

Have we reached the top of wave five of the super
cycle? As always, time will tell, but isn't it
increadibly interesting!!!

Would appreciate your thoughts!



Hi Shep,

Thnx for yr reply. And thnx for yr clear & concise updates and yr effort in including 'basics' in it. I really appreciate it and I'm sure most others do too.

Thnx again


This email was received from a subscriber on May 11, 2005.


i don't know how many subscribers you have or how many you want, i can teel you
i am very impressed with your market knowledge and wanted to tell you that you
might try stock charts public list of charts as a very inexpensive way of advertising
your product. some on  the site just give out bits and pieces of information to get
people to try their web sites, and besides your price is very reasonable and i just
thought it might get you more people to join. thanks for your help, steve    p.s. how
far do you think the qqqq rally will go? and do you ever use candles when you

Dear Shep,

How do I know when my subscription period is up? Will your system send me an email? Please let me know!

By the way, I have recommended your service to several people. I cannot tell you how much I have benefited, both educationally and financially, from your commentary, and your charts.... Thank you!!


The comment below is from the BLOG


I am a new subscriber of shepwave but I have spend months to search for a good QQQ and DIA short term timer, after few weeks with you, you are at the moment on top of my list and I was not a beleiver in Elliot waves, was wrong !


This email is from a subscriber from the U.K.

Dear Shep,

It is pure delight reading your chart commentary.

You provide your service at a reasonable price, and it is extremely educational.

So many services out there just send buy and sell alerts. You on the other hand give detailed reasons for your trades, and have a record of the trades you make.

As long as you stay this transparent I am certain, you will receive more and more subscribers.

As I am presently short QQQQ myself, I look forward to your alert with regard to a possible bounce that you mentioned.

Just a brief question.... The open interest on the April QQQQ (strike 36 and 37) on the put side,
currently stands at approximately 282.000 and 271.000 respectively. This is much higher than the open interest on the call side (for the same strikes). Do you look at this type of data?, and if so, does it add weight to your opinion of an upside bounce?

I look forward to your answer... Thanks!



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