Elliott Wave Theory stock market technical analysis. Major U.S. Indexes.
Specializing in QQQ and the DIA analysis and trading. QQQ and DIA Options trading.
We were stopped out of yesterday's short term SHORT SIDE trade in NDX.. Small profit. Today's GAP up caused us to be stopped out above our adjusted stop.. so the profit wasn't as much as we 'tried' to lock in.
I am using the QQQQ Chart today. (Remember.. the QQQQ ...
I know this gets confusing trading the short term charts.. I show areas that 'could' be triggers.. and yet tell you that if it breaks the area to go ahead and take the trade anyway.. adjusting the stop. Bottom Line is that the short term trades...
I have published a short term update today showing the short term potential in trading the NDX (QQQQ). The past couple of days has presented trading opportunities on both sides... long and short. If you have been putting in a stop, ideally a tra...
I have published the regular scheduled update for Thursday Early. Some good quick 'aggressive' trades lately. However, I am NOT feeling very confident in the current trade that was entered Tuesday Morning.. Those who are still open the aggressive trade from Monday morning '...
In today's update I show the follow through trading techniques for the entry in to the short term positions entered this week. I will try to show several short term trading opportunities over the next few weeks. My Purpose is to not only make some quick profits.. but to...
I have published today's short term update to give another 'precise' short term trade entry. I have made a decision that since our mid to long term trading positions are in the red.. to try to maximize on the short term conditions of the market to loc...
I have published the regular scheduled update for Thursday. I got the short term traders in a trade this morning... LONG... Go Figure.. ended up being a good trade.. BUT,, keep a trailing stop.. tonight's update shows why. I am convinced I have the BEST subscribers in the world...
I have published today's update to show some potential short term counts. Why DID the DOW lose 56 points from its high today? Is the rally over? Today's update tightens up the target range a bit. Will the markets continue to rise.. we have ...
In tonight's regular scheduled update for Monday I have shown the targets for confirmation leading to profit taking areas for current ShepWave positions. Is the Rally Over? The previous update gave the fibonacci extension target for the current rally. There are very s...
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