Elliott Wave Theory stock market technical analysis. Major U.S. Indexes.
Specializing in QQQ and the DIA analysis and trading. QQQ and DIA Options trading.
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ShepWave Regular Scheduled Update Parts I and II Published
Posted: 3/23/2012 23:10 EST

ShepWave Regular Scheduled Update for Monday Parts I and II have been published.
Have the U.S. Equity Indexes hit a key top? You will see some indicators are suggesting that they have seen a top, but the more important indicators are not confirming this just yet.
See Signals
Update #1 contains the Daily Time Frame analysis for the Major U.S. Equity Indexes.
Update #2 contains critical analysis for Crude Oil, Gold, GLD, SLV and the VIX.
Log In at for Monday's ShepWave Update Parts I and II

(VIDEO) The Only Time You'll Hear Bob Prechter Suggest Joining the Herd

By Jill Noble | March 21, 2012

In this clip Prechter explains why people herd in financial markets -- and then makes one suggestion to his audience at last year's inaugural Socionomics Summit that you may find surprising.

What's especially noteworthy about what you just saw is that almost every single attendee at the packed-house event really did take Prechter's suggestion!

Last year's Summit was a sold-out event, and was full of finance professionals, social mood researchers, Elliott wave analysts and more.

Yet after the day-long Socionomics Summit ended, these individuals found themselves all herding together -- as the dialogue continued downstairs at the Georgia Tech Conference Center's lobby and bar.

This year's Socionomics Summit: New Initiatives in Social Mood Research and Application promises to be another fantastic networking opportunity, with plenty of chances to mingle with an impressive group of like-minded individuals.

Don't miss your chance to join this growing community at the 2012 Summit. REGISTER NOW>>

Editor's note: Additional video from Prechter's presentation on herding is available here>>

Reference: is a technical analysis site for the Major U.S. stock indexes. We use Elliott Wave theory along with our proprietary indicators to give analysis for the Dow Industrials, Nadaq 100 and S&P 500 indexes. We specialize in trading the QQQ and DIA.
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